Transdisciplinary Human- Shark researcher
Professor SNU
PhD. Anth (2021) & PhD. Psyc (2013)
International officer & India-lead- Marine Social Sciences Network
Human animal conflict advisor- Sundarban tiger widow welfare association.
Faculty Coordinator for ICUN Forests 2023 International Course Program.
All content ©️ Raj Sekhar Aich
+91 90518 75180
Publications and media
It has been a privilege to have my research focused on various journals, conferences, and media outlets
Featured publication
Kamot: The first academic investigation of human-shark conflict in Sundarbans.
Human shark research
Aich, R. S. (2022). White Sharks and Caged Humans; an Ethnographic Exploration of Great White Shark Cage Diving in New Zealand. Niyogi Books, India, Delhi.
In preparation
Kamot, human- shark conflict in Sundarbans.
Academic publications
Aich, R. S. & Weber, T. (2023). SHHRKS -Appell zur ganzheitlichen Erforschung der Hai-Mensch-Beziehung (SHHRKS-Appeal for holistic research into shark-human relationship). Ozean: Tierstudien. Neofelis Verlag.
Aich, R. S., & Chakraborty, P. . (2022). Kamot: The first academic investigation of human-shark conflict in Sundarbans. TRACE ∴ Journal for Human-Animal Studies, 8.
Aich, R.S. (2021). Jaws, old dwellings, and heartbreak; Meditations of a shark anthropologist on multimodality. Entanglements, experiments in multimodal ethnography.Aich, R. S. (2021).
Aich, R.S. (2021) The Kamot Ganga Puja: Sharks of Sundarban. Visual Ethnography, 10(1), Article 1.
Aich, R.S. (2021). Great White Shark a hyperreal monster; conceptual contemplation on the
post-Jaws image. Academia Letters, Article 3448.
Aich, R.S. (2021). Jaws and beauty, reflections on Great White Shark demystification. Academia Letters, Article 2869.
Aich, R.S. (2021). Cage less diving with white sharks, a multispecies perspective. Academia Letters, Article 2494.
Jøn, A.A. & Aich, R. S. (2015). Southern Shark Lore Forty Years After Jaws: The positioning of sharks within Murihiku, New Zealand. in Australian Folklore: A Yearly Journal in Folklore Studies, vol. 30.
In press
Aich, R. S. (In press). Poster of a hyperreal monster, and the evolving eras of white shark image (book chapter). Emerging Voices for Animals in Tourism.
Iridescent Skin; An Ethnographic Documentary of Cage Diving in New Zealand. (2020).
Media publications
Aich, R. S. (2020). Human shark conflict in Sundarban. Sudu Sundarban Charcha (Bengali magazine), 48–50.
BBC(2018). Why the Jaws shark is not a 'man-eating monster'
Sharkresearch institute website(2018).
Scroll India (2018). An-indian-shark-anthropologist-writes-about-his-encounter-with-a-great-white
University of Canterbury Research Report (2017). Relating to great white sharks.
Radio New Zealand (2017). Tell me about your thesis, White shark cage diving in Bluff.
Stuff, New Zealand (2015). Shark diving helps conservation researcher.
Psychology research
Aich. R.S (2013). A study of Romantic Motive and Mental Health in Relation to Creativity of Male Painters and Non-painters. University of Calcutta .DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.13895.19361
Dutta, S., & Aich, R. S. (2023). Theory of planned behavior predicting entrepreneurial intention among West Bengal students. Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 10 (9), 360-367.
Sarcar, S., & Aich, R. S. (2023). The relationship between locus of control, breakup distress and coping strategies among college students in India. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 10 (3), 574-584.
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